So, you want to own a home. Congratulations! You’re entering a stage of your life marked by stability, happiness, and the ability to do anything you want to do. No one’s telling you what to do or how to live, you’re the master. But, to be a house owner you’ve got to build a house. Now if you’re like most of us you’ve never touched a brick in your life.
So how are you planning to build a house? Your options include, doing it the hard way I.e., Yourself, or the much more relaxed fun way, hiring a builder. Now if you’re reading this article, you probably aren’t a masochist and want to let someone else take care of this project. But you’re no chump, right? You know that the most opportunity to someone to take advantage of you is in a field that you know nothing about. So how do you choose the right builder you may ask? Read on we’ve got you covered.

But of course, we can offer you a recommendation, and that would be home builders in Perth. They’ve got a crack team of professionals in their employ.
Ask Questions
When building a home, you are placing an awful lot of trust in your builder, after all its like we said before, you probably don’t know much about this field. So, you need to know that the builder is honest, and this can be discerned in the initial stages of discussion. Ask as many questions as humanly possible. And not just questions that will get you rosy answers but questions like “What isn’t included in this contract” Now most builders actually don’t include landscaping and driveways so if your builder just enthusiastically says that everything about the build is included, you might need to be concerned.
Additional Charges
Make sure that they are capable of walking you through every single charge down to the nitty-gritty like the countertops, and air-conditioning, because an untrustworthy builder will in fact neglect to include these charges to make the build seem cheaper than it is, hitting you with additional charges down the line.
Also ask how long it will take for the build to be completed, and then ask them to guarantee it. Professionals will give you a timeframe from design to completion based on their experience, and a trustworthy one will do their best to uphold their promise.

Review the Dates
Another important thing to note is that you need to be able to get a confirmed date for the start of the project. Many builders are eager to promise a deadline of a few months, but they are reluctant to confirm a starting date. This is of course due to a number of reasons, such as unavailability of raw materials at the time, however a professional builder will always be able to work according to the date and the promised budget.
In essence, builders have plenty of tasks to juggle in their heads but a good one will always live up to their promise.